
Limiting asynchrony with task parallelism

When I started re-writing this website, I wanted to make good use of my multi-core CPU. Generating hundreds of pages using XSL transforms and plenty of pre-processing in C#, there's a lot of parallelism to be had.

I began by using the TPL's data parallelism features: mainly Parallel.ForEach and Parallel.Invoke. These are super easy to use, and made an immediate huge difference.

Then the Visual Studio 11 developer preview came out, and I felt compelled to make use of its new async features. This meant ditching the Parallel methods all together and writing for task parallelism.

There are still parts of the .NET Framework which don't support async, and XML is one of them. Because I'm reading relatively small documents, I was able to work around these limitations by asynchronously filling a MemoryStream from a file and feeding the MemoryStream to the XML classes:

Task<FileStream> OpenReadAsync(string fileName)
    return Task.Factory.StartNew(state =>
        new FileStream((string)state, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read,
                       FileShare.Read, 4096, true), fileName);

async Task<XmlReader> CreateXmlReader(string fileName,
                                      XmlReaderSettings settings = null)
    MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
    using (FileStream fs = await OpenReadAsync(fileName))
        await fs.CopyToAsync(ms);

    ms.Position = 0;
    return XmlReader.Create(ms, settings, fileName);

But I had one more problem to solve. For efficiency, Parallel.ForEach partitions its items into ranges which will be operated on concurrently. A side effect of this that I was relying on was that only so many I/O operations would be able to happen at once. In my new code I'm simply launching all these tasks at once rather than partitioning—this absolutely killed performance as potentially hundreds of concurrent I/Os caused my disk to seek like crazy.

What I ended up doing here was creating a ticket system which can be used to allow only a limited number of I/Os to happen concurrently: essentially a safe task-based semaphore.

sealed class AsyncLimiter
    public AsyncLimiter(int max);
    public Task<IDisposable> Lock();

The full implementation is available in Subversion and under a 2-clause BSD license. Using it is very simple:

AsyncLimiter limiter = new AsyncLimiter(4);

async Task<FileStream> OpenReadAsync(string fileName)
    using (IDisposable limiterlock = await limiter.Lock())
        return await Task.Factory.StartNew(state =>
            new FileStream((string)state, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read,
                           FileShare.Read, 4096, true), fileName);

async Task<XmlReader> CreateXmlReader(string fileName,
                                      XmlReaderSettings settings = null)
    MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();

    using (FileStream fs = await OpenReadAsync(fileName))
    using (IDisposable limiterlock = await limiter.Lock())
        await fs.CopyToAsync(ms);

    ms.Position = 0;
    return XmlReader.Create(ms, settings, fileName);

When the lock gets disposed, it'll let the next operation in line progress. This was simple to implement efficiently using Interlocked methods and a ConcurrentQueue.

Some operations—file opening and existence testing, directory creation, etc.—have no asynchronous analog. For these there is no good solution, so I simply wrapped them in a task as in the OpenReadAsync example above. They're rare enough that it hasn't been a problem.

The end result? Actually about 50% better performance than using the Parallel methods. When all the files are in cache, I'm able to generate this entire website from scratch in about 0.7 seconds.

Asynchronous page faults

With I/O, we’ve got some choices:

  1. Synchronous, copying from OS cache ( fread). This is the simplest form of I/O, but isn’t very scalable.
  2. Synchronous, reading directly from OS cache (memory mapping). This is wicked fast and efficient once memory is filled, but aside from some cases with read-​ahead, your threads will still block with page faults.
  3. Asynchronous, copying from OS cache ( ReadFile). Much more scalable than fread, but each read still involves duplicating data from the OS cache into your buffer. Fine if you’re reading some data only to modify the buffer in place, but still not very great when you’re treating it as read only (such as to send over a socket).
  4. Asynchronous, maintaining your own cache ( FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING). More scalable still than ReadFile, but you need to do your own caching and it’s not shared with other processes.

Note that there’s one important choice missing: memory mapping with asynchronous page faults. As far as I know there are no operating systems that actually offer this—it’s kind of a dream feature of mine. There are two APIs that will help support this:

HANDLE CreateMemoryManager();

CreateMemoryManager opens a handle to the Windows memory manager, and MakeResident will fill the pages you specify (returning true for synchronous completion, false for error/async like everything else). The best of both worlds: fast, easy access through memory, a full asynchronous workflow, and shared cache usage. This would be especially useful on modern CPUs that offer gigantic address spaces.

The memory manager already has similar functionality in there somewhere, so it might not be difficult to pull into user-​mode. Just an educated guess. Maybe it’d be terribly difficult. Dream feature!

Efficient stream parsing in C++

A while ago I wrote about creating a good parser and while the non-blocking idea was spot-on, the rest of it really isn’t very good in C++ where we have the power of templates around to help us.

I’m currently finishing up a HTTP library and have been revising my views on stream parsing because of it. I’m still not entirely set on my overall implementation, but I’m nearing completion and am ready to share my ideas. First, I’ll list my requirements:

To accomplish this I broke this out into three layers: a core parser, a buffer, and a buffer parser.

The core parser

Designing the core parser was simple. I believe I already have a solid C++ parser design in my XML library, so I’m reusing that concept. This is fully in-situ pull parser that operates on a range of bidirectional iterators and returns back a sub-range of those iterators. The pull function returns ok when it parses a new element, done when it has reached a point that could be considered an end of the stream, and need_more when an element can’t be extracted from the passed in iterator range. Using this parser is pretty simple:

typedef std::deque<char> buffer_type;
typedef http::parser<buffer_type::iterator> parser_type;

buffer_type buffer;

parser_type p;
parser_type::node_type n;
parser_type::result_type r;

  push_data(buffer); // add data to buffer from whatever I/O source.

  std::deque<char>::iterator first = buffer.begin();

  while((r = p.parse(first, buffer.end(), n)) == http::result_types::ok)
      case http::node_types::method:
      case http::node_types::uri:
      case http::node_types::version:

  buffer.erase(buffer.begin(), first); // remove all the used
                                       // data from the buffer.
} while(r == http::result_types::need_more);

By letting the user pass in a new range of iterators to parse each time, we have the option of updating the stream with more data when need_more is returned. The parse() function also updates the first iterator so that we can pop any data prior to it from the data stream.

By default the parser will throw an exception when it encounters an error. This can be changed by calling an overload and handling the error result type:

typedef std::deque<char> buffer_type;
typedef http::parser<buffer_type::iterator> parser_type;

buffer_type buffer;

parser_type p;
parser_type::node_type n;
parser_type::error_type err;
parser_type::result_type r;

  push_data(buffer); // add data to buffer from whatever I/O source.

  std::deque<char>::iterator first = buffer.begin();

  while((r = p.parse(first, buffer.end(), n, err)) == http::result_types::ok)
      case http::node_types::method:
      case http::node_types::uri:
      case http::node_types::version:

  buffer.erase(buffer.begin(), first); // remove all the used
                                       // data from the buffer.
} while(r == http::result_types::need_more);

if(r == http::result_types::error)
    << "an error occured at "
    << std::distance(buffer.begin(), err.position())
    << ": "
    << err.what()
    << std::endl;

The buffer

Initially I was testing my parser with a deque<char> like above. This let me test the iterator-based parser very easily by incrementally pushing data on, parsing some of it, and popping off what was used. Unfortunately, using a deque means we always have an extra copy, from an I/O buffer into the deque. Iterating a deque is also a lot slower than iterating a range of pointers because of the way deque is usually implemented. This inefficiency is acceptable for testing, but just won't work in a live app.

My buffer class is I/O- and parsing-optimized, operating on pages of data. It allows pages to be inserted directly from I/O without copying. Ones that weren't filled entirely can still be filled later, allowing the user to commit more bytes of a page as readable. One can use scatter/gather I/O to make operations span multiple pages contained in a buffer.

The buffer exposes two types of iterators. The first type is what we are used to in deque: just a general byte stream iterator. But this incurs the same cost as deque: each increment to the iterator must check if it's at the end of the current page and move to the next. A protocol like HTTP can fit a lot of elements into a single 4KiB page, so it doesn't make sense to have this cost. This is where the second iterator comes in: the page iterator. A page can be thought of as a Range representing a subset of the data in the full buffer. Overall the buffer class looks something like this:

struct page
  const char *first;    // the first byte of the page.
  const char *last;     // one past the last byte of the page.
  const char *readpos;  // the first readable byte of the page.
  const char *writepos; // the first writable byte of the page,
                        // one past the last readable byte.

class buffer
  typedef ... size_type;
  typedef ... iterator;
  typedef ... page_iterator;

  void push(page *p); // pushes a page into the buffer.  might
                      // be empty, semi-full, or full.

  page* pop(); // pops the first fully read page from from the buffer.

  void commit_write(size_type numbytes); // merely moves writepos
                                         // by some number of bytes.

  void commit_read(size_type numbytes); // moves readpos by
                                        // some number of bytes.

  iterator begin() const;
  iterator end() const;

  page_iterator pages_begin() const;
  page_iterator pages_end() const;

One thing you may notice is it expects you to push() and pop() pages directly onto it, instead of allocating its own. I really hate classes that allocate memory – in terms of scalability the fewer places that allocate memory, the easier it will be to optimize. Because of this I always try to design my code to – if it makes sense – have the next layer up do allocations. When it doesn't make sense, I document it. Hidden allocations are the root of evil.

The buffer parser

Unlike the core parser, the buffer parser isn't a template class. The buffer parser exposes the same functionality as a core parser, but using a buffer instead of iterator ranges.

This is where C++ gives me a big advantage. The buffer parser is actually implemented with two core parsers. The first is a very fast http::parser<const char*>. It uses this to parse as much of a single page as possible, stopping when it encounters need_more and no more data can be added to the page. The second is a http::parser<buffer::iterator>. This gets used when the first parser stops, which will happen very infrequently – only when a HTTP element spans multiple pages.

This is fairly easy to implement, but required a small change to my core parser concept. Because each has separate internal state, I needed to make it so I could move the state between two parsers that use different iterators. The amount of state is actually very small, making this a fast operation.

The buffer parser works with two different iterator types internally, so I chose to always return a buffer::iterator range. The choice was either that or silently copy elements spanning multiple pages, and this way lets the user of the code decide how they want to handle it.

Using the buffer parser is just as easy as before:

http::buffer buffer;
http::buffer_parser p;
http::buffer_parser::node_type n;
http::buffer_parser::result_type r;

  push_data(buffer); // add data to buffer from whatever I/O source.

  while((r = p.parse(buffer, n)) == http::result_types::ok)
      case http::node_types::method:
      case http::node_types::uri:
      case http::node_types::version:

  pop_used(buffer); // remove all the used
                    // data from the buffer.
} while(r == http::result_types::need_more);

The I/O layer

I'm leaving out an I/O layer for now. I will probably write several small I/O systems for it once I'm satisfied with the parser. Perhaps one using asio, one using I/O completion ports, and one using epoll. I've designed this from the start to be I/O agnostic but with optimizations that facilitate efficient forms of all I/O, so I think it could be an good benchmark of the various I/O subsystems that different platforms provide.

One idea I've got is to use Winsock Kernel to implement a kernel-mode HTTPd. Not a very good idea from a security standpoint, but would still be interesting to see the effects on performance. Because the parser performs no allocation, no I/O calls, and doesn't force the use of exceptions, it should actually be very simple to use in kernel-mode.

I/O Improvements in Windows Vista

My tips for efficient I/O are relevant all the way back to coding for Windows 2000. A lot of time has passed since then though, and for all the criticism it got, Windows Vista actually brought in a few new ways to make I/O even more performant than before.

This will probably be my last post on user-mode I/O until something new and interesting comes along, completing what started a couple weeks ago with High Performance I/O on Windows.

Synchronous completion

In the past, non-blocking I/O was a great way to reduce the stress on a completion port. An unfortunate side-effect of this was an increased amount of syscalls -- the last non-blocking call you make will do nothing, only returning WSAEWOULDBLOCK. You would still need to call an asynchronous version to wait for more data.

Windows Vista solved this elegantly with SetFileCompletionNotificationModes. This function lets you tell a file or socket that you don't want a completion packet queued up when an operation completes synchronously (that is, a function returned success immediately and not ERROR_IO_PENDING). Using this, the last I/O call will always be of some use -- either it completes immediately and you can continue processing, or it starts an asynchronous operation and a completion packet will be queued up when it finishes.

Like the non-blocking I/O trick, continually calling this can starve other operations in a completion port if a socket or file feeds data faster than you can process it. Care should be taken to limit the number of times you continue processing synchronous completions.

Reuse memory with file handles

If you want to optimize even more for throughput, you can associate a range of memory with an unbuffered file handle using SetFileIoOverlappedRange. This tells the OS that a block of memory will be re-used, and should be kept locked in memory until the file handle is closed. Of course if you won't be performing I/O with a handle very often, it might just waste memory.

Dequeue multiple completion packets at once

A new feature to further reduce the stress on a completion port is GetQueuedCompletionStatusEx, which lets you dequeue multiple completion packets in one call.

If you read the docs for it, you'll eventually realize it only returns error information if the function itself fails—not if an async operation fails. Unfortunately this important information is missing from all the official docs I could find, and searching gives nothing. So how do you get error information out of GetQueuedCompletionStatusEx? Well, after playing around a bit I discovered that you can call GetOverlappedResult or WSAGetOverlappedResult to get it, so not a problem.

This function should only be used if your application has a single thread or handles a high amount of concurrent I/O operations, or you might end up defeating the multithreading baked in to completion ports by not letting it spread completion notifications around. If you can use it, it's a nice and easy way to boost the performance of your code by lowering contention on a completion port.

Bandwidth reservation

One large change in Windows Vista was I/O scheduling and prioritization. If you have I/O that is dependant on steady streaming like audio or video, you can now use SetFileBandwidthReservation to help ensure it will never be interrupted by something else hogging a disk.

Cancel specific I/O requests

A big pain pre-Vista was the inability to cancel individual I/O operations. The only option was to cancel all operations for a handle, and only from the thread which initiated them.

If it turns out some I/O operation is no longer required, it is now possible to cancel individual I/Os using CancelIoEx. This much needed function replaces the almost useless CancelIo, and opens the doors to sharing file handles between separate operations.

Tips for efficient I/O

There are a few things to keep in mind for I/O that can have pretty incredible effects on performance and scalability. It’s not really any new API, but how you use it.

Reduce blocking

The whole point of I/O completion ports is to do operations asynchronously, to keep the CPU busy doing work while waiting for completion. Blocking defeats this by stalling the thread, so it should be avoided whenever possible. Completion ports have a mechanism built in to make blocking less hurtful by starting up a waiting thread when another one blocks, but it is still better to avoid it all together.

This includes memory allocation. Standard system allocators usually have several points where it needs to lock to allow concurrent use, so applications should make use of custom allocators like arenas and pools where possible.

This means I/O should always be performed asynchronously, lock-free algorithms used when available, and any remaining locks should be as optimally placed as possible. Careful application design planning goes a long way here. The toughest area I’ve discovered is database access—as far as I have seen, there have been zero well designed database client libraries. Every one that I’ve seen has forced you to block at some point.

Ideally, the only place the application would block is when retrieving completion packets.

Buffer size and alignment

I/O routines like to lock the pages of the buffers you pass in. That is, it will pin them in physical memory so that they can’t be paged out to a swap file.

The result is if you pass in a 20 byte buffer, on most systems it will lock a full 4096 byte page in memory. Even worse, if the 20 byte buffer has 10 bytes in one page and 10 bytes in another, it will lock both pages—8192 bytes of memory for a 20 byte I/O. If you have a large number of concurrent operations this can waste a lot of memory!

Because of this, I/O buffers should get special treatment. Functions like malloc() and operator new() should not be used because they have no obligation to provide such optimal alignment for I/O. I like to use VirtualAlloc to allocate large blocks of 1MiB, and divide this up into smaller fixed-sized (usually page-sized, or 4KiB) blocks to be put into a free list.

If buffers are not a multiple of the system page size, extra care should be taken to allocate buffers in a way that keeps them in separate pages from non-buffer data. This will make sure page locking will incur the least amount of overhead while performing I/O.

Limit the number of I/Os

System calls and completion ports have some expense, so limiting the number of I/O calls you do can help to increase throughput. We can use scatter/gather operations to chain several of those page-sized blocks into one single I/O.

A scatter operation is taking data from one source, like a socket, and scattering it into multiple buffers. Inversely a gather operation takes data from multiple buffers and gathers it into one destination.

For sockets, this is easy—we just use the normal WSASend and WSARecv functions, passing in multiple WSABUF structures.

For files it is a little more complex. Here the WriteFileGather and ReadFileScatter functions are used, but some special care must be taken. These functions require page-aligned and -sized buffers to be used, and the number of bytes read/written must be a multiple of the disk’s sector size. The sector size can be obtained with GetDiskFreeSpace.

Non-blocking I/O

Asynchronous operations are key here, but non-blocking I/O still has a place in the world of high performance.

Once an asynchronous operation completes, we can issue non-blocking requests to process any remaining data. Following this pattern reduces the amount of strain on the completion port and helps to keep your operation context hot in the cache for as long as possible.

Care should be taken to not let non-blocking operations continue on for too long, though. If data is received on a socket fast enough and we take so long to process it that there is always more, it could starve other completion notifications waiting to be dequeued.

Throughput or concurrency

A kernel has a limited amount of non-paged memory available to it, and locking one or more pages for each I/O call is a real easy way use it all up. Sometimes if we expect an extreme number of concurrent connections or if we want to limit memory usage, it can be beneficial to delay locking these pages until absolutely required.

An undocumented feature of WSARecv is that you can request a 0-byte receive, which will complete when data has arrived. Then you can issue another WSARecv or use non-blocking I/O to pull out whatever is available. This lets us get notified when data can be received without actually locking memory.

Doing this is very much a choice of throughput or concurrency—it will use more CPU, reducing throughput. But it will allow your application to handle a larger number of concurrent operations. It is most beneficial in a low memory system, or on 32-bit Windows when an extreme number of concurrent operations will be used. 64-bit Windows has a much larger non-paged pool, so it shouldn’t present a problem if you feed it enough physical memory.

Unbuffered I/O

If you are using the file system a lot, your application might be waiting on the synchronous operating system cache. In this case, enabling unbuffered I/O will let file operations bypass the cache and complete more asynchronously.

This is done by calling CreateFile with the FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING flag. Note that with this flag, all file access must be sector aligned—read/write offsets and sizes. Buffers must also be sector aligned.

Operating system caching can have good effects, so this isn’t always advantageous. But if you’ve got a specific I/O pattern or if you do your own caching, it can give a significant performance boost. This is an easy thing to turn on and off, so take some benchmarks.

Update: this subject continued in I/O Improvements in Windows Vista.

I/O completion ports made easy

I described the basics of I/O completion ports in my last post, but there is still the question of what the easiest way to use them. Here I’ll show a callback-based application design that I’ve found makes a fully asynchronous program really simple to do.

I touched briefly on attaching our own context data to the OVERLAPPED structure we pass along with I/O operations. It’s this same idea that I’ll expand on here. This time, we define a generic structure to use with all our operations, and how our threads will handle them while dequeuing packets:

struct io_context
  void (*on_completion)(DWORD error, DWORD transferred,
                        struct io_context *ctx);

ULONG_PTR completionkey;
DWORD transferred;

BOOL ret = GetQueuedCompletionStatus(iocp, &transferred,
   &completionkey, &ovl, INFINITE);

  struct io_context *ctx = (struct io_context*)ovl;
  ctx->on_completion(ERROR_SUCCESS, transferred, ctx);
else if(ovl)
  DWORD err = GetLastError();

  struct io_context *ctx = (struct io_context*)ovl;
  ctx->on_completion(err, transferred, ctx);
  // error out

With this, all our I/O operations will have a callback associated with them. When a completion packet is dequeued it gets the error information, if any, and runs the callback. Having every I/O operation use a single callback mechanism greatly simplifies the design of the entire program.

Lets say our app was reading a file and sending out it’s contents. We also want it to prefetch the next buffer so we can start sending right away. Here’s our connection context:

struct connection_context
  HANDLE file;
  SOCKET sock;

  WSABUF readbuf;
  WSABUF sendbuf;

  struct io_context readctx;
  struct io_context sendctx;

A structure like this is nice because initiating an I/O operation will need no allocations. Note that we need two io_context members because we’re doing a read and send concurrently.

Now the code to use it:

#define BUFFER_SIZE 4096

void begin_read(struct connection_context *ctx)
    // only begin a read if one isn't already running.

  ctx->readbuf.buf = malloc(BUFFER_SIZE);
  ctx->readbuf.len = 0;

  // zero out io_context structure.
  memset(&ctx->readctx, 0, sizeof(ctx->readctx));

  // set completion callback.
  ctx->readctx.on_completion = read_finished;

  ReadFile(ctx->file, ctx->readbuf.buf, BUFFER_SIZE,
           NULL, &ctx->readctx.ovl);

void read_finished(DWORD error, DWORD transferred,
                   struct io_context *ioctx)
  // get our connection context.
  struct connection_context *ctx =
     (struct connection_context*)((char*)ioctx -
        offsetof(struct connection_context, readctx));

  if(error != ERROR_SUCCESS)
    // handle error.

    // reached end of file, close out connection.
    ctx->readbuf.buf = 0;

  // send out however much we read from the file.

  ctx->readbuf.len = transferred;


This gives us a very obvious chain of events: read_finished is called when a read completes. Since we only get an io_context structure in our callback, we need to adjust the pointer to get our full connection_context.

Sending is easy too:

void begin_send(struct connection_context *ctx)
    // only begin a send if one
    // isn't already running.

    // only begin a send if the
    // read buffer has something.

  // switch buffers.
  ctx->sendbuf = ctx->readbuf;

  // clear read buffer.
  ctx->readbuf.buf = NULL;
  ctx->readbuf.len = 0;

  // zero out io_context structure.
  memset(&ctx->sendctx, 0, sizeof(ctx->sendctx));

  // set completion callback.
  ctx->sendctx.on_completion = send_finished;

  WSASend(ctx->sock, &ctx->sendbuf, 1, NULL, 0,
          &ctx->sendctx.ovl, NULL);

  // start reading next buffer.

void send_finished(DWORD error, DWORD transferred,
                   struct io_context *ioctx)
  // get our connection context.
  struct connection_context *ctx =
     (struct connection_context*)((char*)ioctx -
        offsetof(struct connection_context, sendctx));

  if(error != ERROR_SUCCESS)
    // handle error.

  // success, clear send buffer and start next send.

  ctx->sendbuf.buf = NULL;


Pretty much more of the same. Again for brevity I’m leaving out some error checking code and assuming the buffer gets sent out in full. I’m also assuming a single-threaded design—socket and file functions themselves are thread-safe and have nothing to worry about, but the buffer management code here would need some extra locking since it could be run concurrently. But the idea should be clear.

Update: this subject continued in Tips for efficient I/O.

High Performance I/O on Windows

I/O completion ports were first introduced in Windows NT 4.0 as a highly scalable, multi-processor capable alternative to the then-typical practices of using select, WSAWaitForMultipleEvents, WSAAsyncSelect, or even running a single thread per client. The most optimal way to perform I/O on Windows—short of writing a kernel-mode driver—is to use I/O completion ports.

A recent post on Slashdot claimed sockets have run their course, which I think is absolutely not true! The author seems to believe the Berkeley sockets API is the only way to perform socket I/O, which is nonsense. Much more modern, scalable and high performance APIs exist today such as I/O completion ports on Windows, epoll on Linux, and kqueue on FreeBSD. In light of this I thought I’d write a little about completion ports here.

The old ways of multiplexing I/O still work pretty well for scenarios with a low number of concurrent connections, but when writing a server daemon to handle a thousand or even tens of thousands of concurrent clients at once, we need to use something different. In this sense the old de facto standard Berkeley sockets API has run its course, because the overhead of managing so many connections is simply too great and makes using multiple processors hard.

An I/O completion port is a multi-processor aware queue. You create a completion port, bind file or socket handles to it, and start asynchronous I/O operations. When they complete—either successfully or with an error—a completion packet is queued up on the completion port, which the application can dequeue from multiple threads. The completion port uses some special voodoo to make sure only a specific number of threads can run at once—if one thread blocks in kernel-mode, it will automatically start up another one.

First you need to create a completion port with CreateIoCompletionPort:

HANDLE iocp = CreateIoCompletionPort(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE,
   NULL, 0, 0);

It’s important to note that NumberOfConcurrentThreads is not the total number of threads that can access the completion port—you can have as many as you want. This instead controls the number of threads it will allow to run concurrently. Once you’ve reached this number, it will block all other threads. If one of the running threads blocks for any reason in kernel-mode, the completion port will automatically start up one of the waiting threads. Specifying 0 for this is equivalent to the number of logical processors in the system.

Next is creating and associating a file or socket handle, using CreateFile, WSASocket, and CreateIoCompletionPort:


HANDLE file = CreateFile(L"file.txt", GENERIC_READ,


CreateIoCompletionPort(file, iocp, OPERATION_KEY, 0);
CreateIoCompletionPort((HANDLE)sock, iocp, OPERATION_KEY, 0);

Files and sockets must be opened with the FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED and WSA_FLAG_OVERLAPPED flags before they are used asynchronously.

Reusing CreateIoCompletionPort for associating file/socket handles is weird design choice from Microsoft but that’s how it’s done. The CompletionKey parameter can be anything you want, it is a value provided when packets are dequeued. I define a OPERATION_KEY here to use as the CompletionKey, the significance of which I’ll get to later.

Next we have to start up some I/O operations. I’ll skip setting up the socket and go right to sending data. We start these operations using ReadFile and WSASend:

OVERLAPPED readop, sendop;
WSABUF sendwbuf;
char readbuf[256], sendbuf[256];

memset(&readop, 0, sizeof(readop));
memset(&sendop, 0, sizeof(sendop));

sendwbuf.len = sizeof(sendbuf);
sendwbuf.buf = sendbuf;

BOOL readstatus = ReadFile(file, readbuf,
   sizeof(readbuf), NULL, &readop);

  DWORD readerr = GetLastError();

  if(readerr != ERROR_IO_PENDING)
    // error reading.

int writestatus = WSASend(sock, &sendwbuf, 1, NULL,
   0, &sendop, NULL);

  int writeerr = WSAGetLastError();

  if(writeerr != WSA_IO_PENDING)
    // error sending.

Every I/O operation using a completion port has an OVERLAPPED structure associated with it. Windows uses this internally in unspecified ways, only saying we need to zero them out before starting an operation. The OVERLAPPED structure will be given back to us when we dequeue the completion packets, and can be used to pass along our own context data.

I have left out the standard error checking up until now for brevity’s sake, but this one doesn’t work quite like one might expect so it is important here. When starting an I/O operation, an error might not really be an error. If the function succeeds all is well, but if the function fails, it is important to check the error code with GetLastError or WSAGetLastError.

If these functions return ERROR_IO_PENDING or WSA_IO_PENDING, the function actually still completed successfully. All these error codes mean is an asynchronous operation has been started and completion is pending, as opposed to completing immediately. A completion packet will be queued up regardless of the operation completing asynchronously or not.

Dequeuing packets from a completion port is handled by the GetQueuedCompletionStatus function:

This function dequeues completion packets, consisting of the completion key we specified in CreateIoCompletionPort and the OVERLAPPED structure we gave while starting the I/O. If the I/O transferred any data, it will retrieve how many bytes were transferred too. Again the error handling is a bit weird on this one, having three error states.

This can be run from as many threads as you like, even a single one. It is common practice to run a pool of twice the number of threads as there are logical processors available, to keep the CPU active with the aforementioned functionality of starting a new thread if a running one blocks.

Unless you are going for a single-threaded design, I recommend starting two threads per logical CPU. Even if your app is designed to be 100% asynchronous, you will still run into blocking when locking shared data and even get unavoidable hidden blocking I/Os like reading in paged out memory. Keeping two threads per logical CPU will keep the processor busy without overloading the OS with too much context switching.

This is all well and good, but two I/O operations were initiated—a file read and a socket send. We need a way to tell their completion packets apart. This is why we need to attach some state to the OVERLAPPED structure when we call those functions:

struct my_context
  int isread;

struct my_context readop, sendop;

memset(&readop.ovl, 0, sizeof(readop.ovl));
memset(&sendop.ovl, 0, sizeof(sendop.ovl));

readop.isread = 1;
sendop.isread = 0;

ReadFile(file, readbuf, sizeof(readbuf), NULL, &readop.ovl);
WSASend(sock, &sendwbuf, 1, NULL, 0, &sendop.ovl, NULL);

Now we can tell the operations apart when we dequeue them:

ULONG_PTR completionkey;
DWORD transferred;

GetQueuedCompletionStatus(iocp, &transferred,
   &completionkey, &ovl, INFINITE);

struct my_context *ctx = (struct my_context*)ovl;

  // read completed.
  // send completed.

The last important thing to know is how to queue up your own completion packets. This is useful if you want to split an operation up to be run on the thread pool, or if you want to exit a thread waiting on a call to GetQueuedCompletionStatus. To do this, we use the PostQueuedCompletionStatus function:

#define EXIT_KEY 0

struct my_context ctx;

PostQueuedCompletionStatus(iocp, 0, OPERATION_KEY, &ctx.ovl);
PostQueuedCompletionStatus(iocp, 0, EXIT_KEY, NULL);

Here we post two things onto the queue. The first, we post our own structure onto the queue, to be processed by our thread pool. The second, we give a new completion key: EXIT_KEY. The thread which processes this packet can test if the completion key is EXIT_KEY to know when it needs to stop dequeuing packets and shut down.

Other than the completion port handle, Windows does not use any of the parameters given to PostQueuedCompletionStatus. They are entirely for our use, to be dequeued with GetQueuedCompletionStatus.

That’s all I have to write for now, and should be everything one would need to get started learning these high performance APIs! I will make another post shortly detailing some good patterns for completion port usage, and some optimization tips to ensure efficient usage of these I/O APIs.

Update: this subject continued in I/O completion ports made easy.

User Mode Scheduling in Windows 7

Don’t use threads. Or more precisely, don’t over-use them. It’s one of the first thing fledgling programmers learn after they start using threads. This is because threading involves a lot of overhead. In short, using more threads may improve concurrency, but it will give you less overall throughput as more processing is put into simply managing the threads instead of letting them run. So programmers learn to use threads sparingly.

When normal threads run out of time, or block on something like a mutex or I/O, they hand off control to the operating system kernel. The kernel then finds a new thread to run, and switches back to user-mode to run the thread. This context switching is what User Mode Scheduling looks to alleviate.

User Mode Scheduling can be thought of as a cross between threads and thread pools. An application creates one or more UMS scheduler threads—typically one for each processor. It then creates several UMS worker threads for each scheduler thread. The worker threads are the ones that run your actual code. Whenever a worker thread runs out of time, it is put on the end of its scheduler thread’s queue. If a worker thread blocks, it is put on a waiting list to be re-queued by the kernel when whatever it was waiting on finishes. The scheduler thread then takes the worker thread from the top of the queue and starts running it. Like the name suggests, this happens entirely in user-mode, avoiding the expensive user->kernel->user-mode transitions. Letting each thread run for exactly as long as it needs helps to solve the throughput problem. Work is only put into managing threads when absolutely necessary instead of in ever smaller time slices, leaving more time to run your actual code.

A good side effect of this is UMS threads also help to alleviate the cache thrashing problems typical in heavily-threaded applications. Forgetting your data sharing patterns, each thread still needs its own storage for stack space, processor context, and thread-local storage. Every time a context switch happens, some data may need to be pushed out of caches in order to load some kernel-mode code and the next thread’s data. By switching between threads less often, cache can be put to better use for the task at hand.

If you have ever had a chance to use some of the more esoteric APIs included with Windows, you might be wondering why we need UMS threads when we have fibers which offer similar co-operative multitasking. Fibers have a lot of special exceptions. There are things that aren’t safe to do with them. Libraries that rely on thread-local storage, for instance, will likely walk all over themselves if used from within fibers. A UMS thread on the other hand is a full fledged thread—they support TLS and no have no real special things to keep in mind while using them.

I still wouldn’t count out thread pools just yet. UMS threads are still more expensive than a thread pool and the large memory requirements of a thread still apply here, so things like per-client threads in internet daemons are still out of the question if you want to be massively scalable. More likely, UMS threads will be most useful for building thread pools. Most thread pools launch two or three threads per CPU to help stay busy when given blocking tasks, and UMS threads will at least help keep their time slice usage optimal.

From what I understand the team behind Microsoft’s Concurrency Runtime, to be included with Visual C++ 2010, was one of the primary forces behind UMS threads. They worked very closely with the kernel folks to find the most scalable way to enable the super-parallel code that will be possible with the CR.

WCF is pretty neat

I haven’t worked with .NET extensively since a little bit after 2.0 was released, so when I took on a new job developing with it, I had some catching up to do. WCF was the easy part. In fact, I’m really enjoying using it. I can tell they put a lot of thought into making it scalable.

For those that don’t know, WCF is Microsoft’s new web services framework, meant to replace the old Remoting stuff in .NET 2.0. It lets you worry about writing code—classes and methods etc., and it manages transforming it into SOAP and WSDL in the background.

The coolest thing about WCF is the support for completely async design. You start a database query, put the method call into the background, and resume it when the database query is done. This allows the server to run thousands of clients in only a couple threads, improving cache and memory usage greatly.

One funny thing I learned from this is that ASP.NET has full async support too, it just doesn’t get a lot of advertising for some reason. The one thing that annoys me about all modern web development frameworks is the lack of async support making you pay for 20 servers when you should only need one, and here it was under my nose all the time. Imagine that!

Scalability isn’t everything

In the beginning, you write threaded apps with great ignorance to scalability. That’s usually okay — most apps don’t need it, but sooner or later you will come across a problem that demands it. With enough searching, you will come across lock–free algorithms. Tricky to get right, but promising fantastic scalability if you do.

Even trickier, though, is knowing when to not use them. Lock–free algorithms come with a price: although they are indeed very scalable, their performance can be much worse than a well designed algorithm for single–threaded applications. Do a little benchmarking and you might find something surprising: the performance hit can actually be so large that a simple locked single–threaded algorithm with no scalability will give better overall performance than a 100% scalable lock–free version.

This is more common than you might think. Take a queue. A single–threaded version will typically have very minimal memory overhead: maybe a pointer for every n objects. A lock–free version will need two pointers for every object (or one, if you use a GC). Now the amount of overhead greatly depends on what your object is. If your object is large, a lock–free queue will probably be a better choice. But if your object is small—say one or two pointers—the overhead can be enough that cache misses will significantly affect your application.

I recently had to tackle this problem. My application needed a queue of small objects, and on a modern quad–core CPU the cache misses were hurting performance so much that although a lock–free queue did have near 100% scalability, the overall operation was completing 165% faster with a locked queue with zero scalability.

The next best thing is to combines the best of both worlds: design a queue with low overhead and medium scalability. Using a reader–writer lock with a combination of lock–free operations, I came up with a queue that only needs to do a full lock once every 32 or 64 operations. The result? Scalability 5% lower than a lock–free queue, with overall performance 210% better.

OK, I’ll admit it: I cheated, somewhat. Lock–free algorithms are good for more than just scalability. They also offer immunity to nasty effects like deadlock, livelock, and priority inversion. In my case I wasn’t in a situation to worry about these, but you might be. The lesson here is to know your situation and decide carefully, and don’t trust what others tell you: always try things yourself and profile.