Tips for efficient I/O

There are a few things to keep in mind for I/O that can have pretty incredible effects on performance and scalability. It’s not really any new API, but how you use it.

Reduce blocking

The whole point of I/O completion ports is to do operations asynchronously, to keep the CPU busy doing work while waiting for completion. Blocking defeats this by stalling the thread, so it should be avoided whenever possible. Completion ports have a mechanism built in to make blocking less hurtful by starting up a waiting thread when another one blocks, but it is still better to avoid it all together.

This includes memory allocation. Standard system allocators usually have several points where it needs to lock to allow concurrent use, so applications should make use of custom allocators like arenas and pools where possible.

This means I/O should always be performed asynchronously, lock-free algorithms used when available, and any remaining locks should be as optimally placed as possible. Careful application design planning goes a long way here. The toughest area I’ve discovered is database access—as far as I have seen, there have been zero well designed database client libraries. Every one that I’ve seen has forced you to block at some point.

Ideally, the only place the application would block is when retrieving completion packets.

Buffer size and alignment

I/O routines like to lock the pages of the buffers you pass in. That is, it will pin them in physical memory so that they can’t be paged out to a swap file.

The result is if you pass in a 20 byte buffer, on most systems it will lock a full 4096 byte page in memory. Even worse, if the 20 byte buffer has 10 bytes in one page and 10 bytes in another, it will lock both pages—8192 bytes of memory for a 20 byte I/O. If you have a large number of concurrent operations this can waste a lot of memory!

Because of this, I/O buffers should get special treatment. Functions like malloc() and operator new() should not be used because they have no obligation to provide such optimal alignment for I/O. I like to use VirtualAlloc to allocate large blocks of 1MiB, and divide this up into smaller fixed-sized (usually page-sized, or 4KiB) blocks to be put into a free list.

If buffers are not a multiple of the system page size, extra care should be taken to allocate buffers in a way that keeps them in separate pages from non-buffer data. This will make sure page locking will incur the least amount of overhead while performing I/O.

Limit the number of I/Os

System calls and completion ports have some expense, so limiting the number of I/O calls you do can help to increase throughput. We can use scatter/gather operations to chain several of those page-sized blocks into one single I/O.

A scatter operation is taking data from one source, like a socket, and scattering it into multiple buffers. Inversely a gather operation takes data from multiple buffers and gathers it into one destination.

For sockets, this is easy—we just use the normal WSASend and WSARecv functions, passing in multiple WSABUF structures.

For files it is a little more complex. Here the WriteFileGather and ReadFileScatter functions are used, but some special care must be taken. These functions require page-aligned and -sized buffers to be used, and the number of bytes read/written must be a multiple of the disk’s sector size. The sector size can be obtained with GetDiskFreeSpace.

Non-blocking I/O

Asynchronous operations are key here, but non-blocking I/O still has a place in the world of high performance.

Once an asynchronous operation completes, we can issue non-blocking requests to process any remaining data. Following this pattern reduces the amount of strain on the completion port and helps to keep your operation context hot in the cache for as long as possible.

Care should be taken to not let non-blocking operations continue on for too long, though. If data is received on a socket fast enough and we take so long to process it that there is always more, it could starve other completion notifications waiting to be dequeued.

Throughput or concurrency

A kernel has a limited amount of non-paged memory available to it, and locking one or more pages for each I/O call is a real easy way use it all up. Sometimes if we expect an extreme number of concurrent connections or if we want to limit memory usage, it can be beneficial to delay locking these pages until absolutely required.

An undocumented feature of WSARecv is that you can request a 0-byte receive, which will complete when data has arrived. Then you can issue another WSARecv or use non-blocking I/O to pull out whatever is available. This lets us get notified when data can be received without actually locking memory.

Doing this is very much a choice of throughput or concurrency—it will use more CPU, reducing throughput. But it will allow your application to handle a larger number of concurrent operations. It is most beneficial in a low memory system, or on 32-bit Windows when an extreme number of concurrent operations will be used. 64-bit Windows has a much larger non-paged pool, so it shouldn’t present a problem if you feed it enough physical memory.

Unbuffered I/O

If you are using the file system a lot, your application might be waiting on the synchronous operating system cache. In this case, enabling unbuffered I/O will let file operations bypass the cache and complete more asynchronously.

This is done by calling CreateFile with the FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING flag. Note that with this flag, all file access must be sector aligned—read/write offsets and sizes. Buffers must also be sector aligned.

Operating system caching can have good effects, so this isn’t always advantageous. But if you’ve got a specific I/O pattern or if you do your own caching, it can give a significant performance boost. This is an easy thing to turn on and off, so take some benchmarks.

Update: this subject continued in I/O Improvements in Windows Vista.

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