November 2009 Archives

New Years, live-ish with Green Day

Green Day

I've gone to far too many events this past week. If I don't put an end to this quick, I may be­come "nor­mal"…

I took it to the next level tonight, though, by trav­el­ing into the fu­ture to see Green Day's New Years Eve con­cert at LA Live. Well, sort-of. NBC was film­ing the con­cert with Car­son Daly as the host. They gave us all new years hats and had us all count down from 30 as if the ball was drop­ping on New Years Eve. Ap­par­ently they'll air this then. TV Magic!

After the count down, Green Day came on with a "Happy fuck­ing New Year!" and rocked the stage for the rest of the night. Their per­for­mance was com­plete with ex­plo­sions, fire­works, and a good mix be­tween their newer stuff and the older stuff I was lis­ten­ing to on tape when I was eight years old (holy crap) in el­e­men­tary school. Bet­ter yet, a friend I hadn't seen in ages was down to visit fam­ily for the week, so I met her and her broth­ers there and caught up. Good times!

The Whigs come to LA

The Whigs

Just saw The Whigs live at the Trou­ba­dour—what a kick-ass show! The owner of my pizza place turned me on to these guys a year or so ago and I've been a big fan ever since.

Open­ing for them was The Dead Trees and The Fea­tures. I had heard of nei­ther, but they both put on great sets of their own—I bought their CDs right after the show. :)

If you've never heard The Whigs be­fore, they are giv­ing out two songs from their up­com­ing CD "In The Dark" for free from their web­site.

Come play Absolute Zero

Over the past cou­ple months, a friend of mine has been cre­at­ing a fun Left 4 Dead cam­paign called Ab­solute Zero. The first map is done, and the sec­ond map is com­ing along nicely. We cre­ated some nice HD videos to show it off to every­body:

If you want to playtest map 1 with us, down­load the beta and come join the cam­paign's Steam group.

Come meet up at The Underground

Live around LA or here for the PDC? Like last year, Mi­crosoft is host­ing a party. This year it's at the Conga Room at LA Live. It's free, so if you're in the area make sure you RSVP and come grab some drinks!

ClearType in Windows 7

One of my big pet peeves with ClearType prior to Win­dows 7 was that it only anti-aliased hor­i­zon­tally with sub-pix­els. This is great for small fonts, be­cause at such a small scale tra­di­tional anti-alias­ing has a smudg­ing ef­fect, re­duc­ing clar­ity and in­creas­ing the font’s weight. For large fonts how­ever, it in­tro­duces some very no­tice­able alias­ing on curves, as best seen in the ‘6′ and ‘g’ here:

"" rendered with GDI

You’ve prob­a­bly no­ticed this on web­sites every­where, but have come to ac­cept it. De­pend­ing on your browser and op­er­at­ing sys­tem, you can prob­a­bly see it in the title here. This prob­lem is solved in Win­dows 7 with the in­tro­duc­tion of Di­rectWrite, which com­bines ClearType’s hor­i­zon­tal anti-alias­ing with reg­u­lar ver­ti­cal anti-alias­ing when using large font sizes:

"" rendered with DirectWrite

Of course, Di­rectWrite af­fects more than just Latin char­ac­ters. Any glyphs with very slight an­gles will see a huge ben­e­fit, such as hi­ra­gana:

"まこと" rendered with GDI and DirectWrite

Un­for­tu­nately, this isn’t a free up­grade. For what­ever rea­son, Mi­crosoft didn’t make all the old GDI func­tions use Di­rectWrite’s im­prove­ments so to make use of this, all your old GDI and Draw­Text code will need to be up­graded to use Di­rec­t2D and Di­rectWrite di­rectly, so an old WM_PAINT pro­ce­dure like this:

HDC hdc = BeginPaint(hwnd, &ps);

HFONT font = CreateFont(-96, 0, 0, 0, FW_NORMAL,
                        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, L"Calibri");

SelectObject(hdc, (HGDIOBJ)font);

RECT rc;
GetClientRect(hwnd, &rc);

DrawText(hdc, L"", 9, &rc,

EndPaint(hwnd, &ps);

Will turn into this:

ID2D1Factory *d2df;

   __uuidof(ID2D1Factory), 0, (void**)&d2df);

IDWriteFactory *dwf;

   __uuidof(IDWriteFactory), (IUnknown**)&dwf);

IDWriteTextFormat *dwfmt;

dwf->CreateTextFormat(L"Calibri", 0, DWRITE_FONT_WEIGHT_REGULAR,
   96.0f, L"en-us", &dwfmt);


RECT rc;
GetClientRect(hwnd, &rc);

D2D1_SIZE_U size = D2D1::SizeU(rc.right - rc.left,
                               rc.bottom -;

ID2D1HwndRenderTarget *d2drt;

   D2D1::HwndRenderTargetProperties(hwnd, size), &d2drt);

ID2D1SolidColorBrush *d2db;


D2D1_SIZE_F layoutSize = d2drt->GetSize();
D2D1_RECT_F layoutRect = D2D1::RectF(0.0, 0.0,
   layoutSize.width, layoutSize.height);

d2drt->DrawText(L"", 9, dwfmt, layoutRect, d2db);

This is no small change, and con­sid­er­ing this API won’t work on any­thing but Vista and Win­dows 7, you’ll be cut­ting out a lot of users if you spe­cial­ize for it. While you could prob­a­bly make a clever Draw­Text wrap­per, Di­rec­t2D and Di­rectWrite are re­ally set up to get you the most ben­e­fit if you’re all in. Hope­fully gen­eral li­braries like Pango and Cairo will get up­dated back­ends for it.

Di­rectWrite has other ben­e­fits too, like sub-pixel ren­der­ing. When you ren­der text in GDI, glyphs will al­ways get snapped to pix­els. If you have two let­ters side by side, it will choose to al­ways start the next let­ter 1 or 2 pix­els away from the last—but what if the cur­rent font size says it should ac­tu­ally be a 1.5 pixel dis­tance? In GDI, this will be rounded to 1 or 2. This is also no­tice­able with kern­ing, which tries to re­move ex­ces­sive space be­tween spe­cific glyphs such as “Vo”. Be­cause of this, most of the text you see in GDI is very slightly warped. It’s much more ap­par­ent when an­i­mat­ing, where it causes the text to have a wob­bling ef­fect as it con­stantly snaps from one pixel to the next in­stead of smoothly tran­si­tion­ing be­tween the two.

Di­rectWrite’s sub-pixel ren­der­ing helps to al­le­vi­ate this by doing ex­actly that: glyphs can now start ren­der­ing at that 1.5 pixel dis­tance, or any other point in be­tween. Here you can see the dif­fer­ing space be­tween the ‘V’ and ‘o’, as well as a slight dif­fer­ence be­tween the ‘o’s with Di­rectWrite on the right side, be­cause they are being ren­dered on sub-pixel off­sets:

"Volcano" close-up comparison with GDI and DirectWrite

The dif­fer­ence be­tween an­i­mat­ing with sub-pixel ren­der­ing and with­out is stag­ger­ing when we view it in mo­tion:

"Volcano" animation comparison with GDI and DirectWrite

Prior to Di­rectWrite the nor­mal way to an­i­mate like this was to ren­der to a tex­ture with mono­chrome anti-alias­ing (that is, with­out ClearType), and trans­form the tex­ture while ren­der­ing. The prob­lem with that is the trans­form will in­tro­duce a lot of im­per­fec­tions with­out ex­pen­sive su­per-sam­pling, and of course it won’t be able to use ClearType. With Di­rectWrite you get pixel-per­fect ClearType ren­der­ing every time.

Ap­par­ently WPF 4 is al­ready using Di­rec­t2D and Di­rectWrite to some de­gree, hope­fully there will be high-qual­ity text in­te­grated in Flash’s fu­ture. Fire­fox has also been look­ing at adding Di­rectWrite sup­port, but I haven’t seen any news of We­bkit (Chrome/Sa­fari) or Opera doing the same. It looks like Fire­fox might ac­tu­ally get it in be­fore In­ter­net Ex­plorer. Edit: looks like In­ter­net Ex­plorer 9 will use Di­rectWrite—won­der which will go gold with the fea­ture first?

Di­rec­t2D and Di­rectWrite are in­cluded in Win­dows 7, but Mi­crosoft has back­ported them in the Plat­form Up­date for Win­dows Server 2008 and Win­dows Vista so there’s no rea­son peo­ple who are stick­ing with Vista should be left out. Are there peo­ple stick­ing with Vista?