First thoughts on Qt

I’ve been doing so much C# and XAML coding for work lately, I felt compelled to get back to the place I thrive—real C++.

I’ve always been weary of cross-platform C++ GUI coding. The options just never seemed very good to me: GTK, which doesn’t act anything close to native in Windows. Qt, which seemed good but was under GPL. wxWidgets, which feels like a thin wrapper around Win32 (and was therefor quite easy for me to learn) but has lots of little issues like the inability to scale with DPI. Given the announcement of Qt going LGPL, I figured it’s a good time to start learning Qt.

If you’re like me you might be thinking – “Qt, but that’s not real C++! What happened to using the standard library, templates, and not paying for what you don’t use!?”. Do I wish there was a more modern Boost-quality library? Absolutely. But that doesn’t exist. Perhaps because GUI work is rather boring, and coders who could make a better quality library would rather spend their time on more interesting things. Qt is still the most modern GUI lib I’ve seen for C++ yet. But I digress.

Hunting around the Qt website, first thing I find out: it’s going to be a pain in the ass to compile my Qt-based project with VC++. I’m sure it’s possible with a little elbow grease, but I wanted to get started quickly so I downloaded Qt Creator instead. Creator has a bundle that includes MinGW, Qt, and the Creator IDE. Perfect for a quick start!

Creator turns out to be a pretty good IDE. It is very close to knocking VC++ out of my favorite position. With a few bugs and usability issues fixed, it’s possible I’ll be using it even for pure Win32 apps.

I create a GUI project, hop into the designer and lay out a simple window. I haven’t even read any documentation or tutorials for using Qt at this point, so I get a little stuck. There are no Creator tutorials out there yet, so I skimmed through some other Qt stuff and quickly found my way to the layout model – exactly what I was looking for. The best thing I’ve found in WPF is the ability to have a window layed out automatically based on the size of controls in it, and I’m very pleased to see Qt has something similar. Tie in some events, and I have a simple app created.

Compile the project and oops, some errors pop up. After a little hair pulling, I found out the Creator bundle comes with MinGW GCC 3.4 — very old! It was not compiling some of my standard C++ correctly. I’ll see about integrating TDM’s GCC 4.x builds soon, but fear it will mean recompiling Qt. For now I’ve begrudgingly dumbed down my C++ to the subset that GCC 3.4 works with.

In one day I’ve learned how to create a functioning GUI program with Qt. I’ve also backed away from the designer and learned how to do things manually – I’ll definitely use the designer for a serious project, but learning how things work behind the scenes is important too.

All-in-all I’m impressed with Qt. It feels native on Windows, and has a relatively clean API. It is more powerful and productive than straight Win32, but doesn’t seem nearly as powerful as WPF. Then again, it took me several months to wrap my head around WPF enough to build anything of substance.

Posted on February 22, 2009 in C++, Coding, Qt Toolkit

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